Monday, January 28, 2008

More Igloo Building

I spent yesterday digging out from a 14-inch snowfall. This was the most snow in a 24-hour period since 1954. It was heavy sticky stuff that broke the back to shovel, every scoop weighing at least 25 lbs. My neighbor was very kind and cleared part of the driveway and sidewalk with his snow blower in the morning. In turn I helped clear his walkway, steps and around his cars.

It was perfect snow for making heavy tightly-packed blocks and also sealing the blocks like mortar. I first added on an entrance way to our original igloo. It was so quick and easy with the fresh snow that I got carried away and started a completely new igloo as well. When it was nearly halfway done, Eva and the girls came out to help me. They brought me blocks and loose snow allowing me to complete the dome from the inside. I cut out a door and everyone crawled inside to share a family drink of icy Coke. Eva said that it reminded her of the Coke commercials with the polar bears and penguins.


Mary said...

Amazing! David really, really wants to come build with you.

Mommymita said...

We are very impressed! Now I have something to put on a my wish list next Christmas- a snow block mold.

The only thing you are missing Rob is your big Russian fur hat.

Dad Wirthlin said...

Rob.. you are definately getting better with the iglo building. Have you tried to sleep in it? I amtold it is warmer inside.

That is one huge pile of snow and much more than we had.

Looking forward to our visit

Love Dad